A Rejected God

A Rejected God

The rebellious children of Israel continue to thrive under the gracious protection of their God. However, their hearts crave slavery and desire a king to rule over them instead of the Lord who has saved them. God gives them what they ask for, but is it what they need?

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Psalm 23:4-5
David’s life is a glorious reminder: having a heart of gold than a sword of steel is better. However, David’s life is also a warning: The glory of a man is fleeting, but the glory of God is forever. The ultimate beauty of David’s story is that it’s not about David but God. As the legend of the Giant Slayer unfolds, we will see that he is not the main character of this saga. He is not the ultimate hero, the mighty king, or the promised deliverer people hope for. David is but a shadow of things promised. His story is a whisper in the wind, foretelling an even greater Hero to come. David’s story, in its essence, foreshadows the story of Jesus. He is merely a fractured image of the greatness that awaits humanity in Christ. As this epic unfolds, look past the glamor of war and see into the future. Look for the promise of greater redemption with every twist and turn of David’s life. But there is only One worthy to sit on the throne. There is only one true King of Israel…
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