Do You Love Me?

Do You Love Me?

Jesus restores Peter. Alone and ashamed, Peter sits on his boat awaiting his fate… Until he hears a familiar voice.

John 21:16
After the resurrection, Jesus appears to his disciples by the Sea of Galilee. Peter, grappling with the guilt of denying Jesus three times, has returned to fishing. One morning, a figure on the shore calls out to them. It's Jesus, though they don't recognize him at first. He instructs them to cast their net on the right side of the boat, resulting in a miraculous catch of fish. Realizing it is the Lord, Peter jumps into the water and swims to shore. There, he finds Jesus preparing breakfast over a fire. After breakfast, Jesus asks Peter three times, "Do you love me?" Each time Peter responds affirmatively, Jesus commissions him to feed and care for his sheep. This thrice-repeated question mirrors Peter’s three denials, offering him complete restoration and reaffirming his role in Jesus’ mission. Jesus’ forgiveness and trust in Peter demonstrate the boundless grace available to all believers, transforming Peter into a bold leader of the early church.
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